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Monday, June 04, 2012 Y 12:50 AM
*thank you for your love*

Dear Diary,

four months, i've not been updating my life here for FOUR MONTHSS!? >_<
AHHH... oh my god... ok, here i am!
hmmm... i bet no one reads it anyway but i still wanna do some update...

i'm gonna have a test this coming tuesday, the lecturer - he is quite funny...
told us tips but not showing it out to the board/ screen...
saying he could not do it black and white?!

it was a mess... i'm not sure if THE TIPS I TOOK DOWN ARE THE ONES THAT ARE GONNA BE TESTED!
*___* nice one...
he can't be bothered when some of us asked him again and again, just to make sure...
mwooh? -__- GOOD LUCK to me...
and i am still stuck right in front of the PC. 

⋱currently having: bird nest drink⋱

PS: to you, to you, to you now~

Friday, February 10, 2012 Y 11:32 PM
*thank you for your love*

Dear Diary,

finally got out with sweet and bestfriend together. like so so long!
gosh. yes and lil celeste is with us too! she is so adorable.
just that once in a while she would cry out loud.

yupp that's my finger. saw her sweet smile? lovely isn't it? :]
hang out for 5 hours or so and its not enough at all!

can't wait for celeste to grow up :)

currently having: lychee drink⋱


Saturday, December 31, 2011 Y 5:01 PM
*thank you for your love*

Dear Diary,

last post for the year 2011...
time really flies and i even posted this on my facebook now...

: thank you 2011, for blessing me with good health &
knowing who are my true loved ones around me.
hoping for the same as always :)
i'm grateful to the people who truly cares about me and not making me feel left-out;
be it when i'm sick, when i'm feeling down,
when i'm alone, when everything just seems wrong
and don't give a damn about my "**** dao" face.

its so true. sometimes, you will soon realized who are the ones that leave a good nice footprint in your life...
and before you know its already there... (not those bad ones i mean)

even if the world is crashing upon you, never give up.
my friends always tell me there will be miracles.
yeh, we do what we can and leave the rest to fate.
i truly understand. whatever people says, its their problem cause i believe my eyes.
they won't lie...

currently having: pineapple tarts⋱

PS: ureshii desu :]

Friday, November 11, 2011 Y 11:11 PM
*thank you for your love*

Dear Diary,

previously, in my entry i mentioned that the date were all ones...

and today, it's still the same...
just that its even more special! ^^
hai hai minna san...
11/11/11, eleventh november.

watched gokusen 2 episodes after grocery shopping with my mum in the afternoon...
gokusen 3 will be right after that! *__*
oh yes and christmas songs are already airing...
yupp. chocolates are packed and wrapped nicely too!
the season of giving is about to arrive :)
ureshii desu! can't wait for christmas to come...
but on the other hand, it's a bad thing... -_-
will update as soon as possible~

gambatte ne~

currently having: vanilla cookies⋱

PS: 11 wishes for you

Tuesday, November 01, 2011 Y 11:14 PM
*thank you for your love*

Dear Diary,

its the first day of NOVEMBER! :)
1.11.11 - if you notice the date

did my hair treatment today earlier in the afternoon after lunch...
all the frizzy-ness has caused me hair problem these days.
i've to tie my hair up to work! now, its all softer and lighter! ^^

gomen-ne, have been busy all these while, can't blog much with school and work.
i even failed my last semester's module - economics
:( damn, gotta pay another $75 to re-sit the exam...
big problem is i've forgotten half of what it is about *___*
this means i've 3 exams to take soon; economics,
principles of marketing and human resource.

good luck to me, minna-san~

currently having: potato chips⋱

PS: it all started with you...

Wednesday, September 28, 2011 Y 11:05 PM
*thank you for your love*

Dear Diary,

had lunch with mum at jack's place at century square,
walk around after that in the mall before going to my nails appointment...

my very first gel extension nails ^^
the process was around nearly 3 hours! woah.

kawaii? :3

currently having: honey red tea⋱

PS: it's leopard prints!

Friday, August 19, 2011 Y 9:25 PM
*thank you for your love*

Dear Diary,

tell you what, i'm super worried since i woke up...
the panic i felt for this is double or maybe thrice than having exams! no kidding!

appointment was at 11:00am but was drag till 11:45am due to the previous patient.
( yep, i totally sacrificed my sleep >_< )
waited for about an hour!! mummy was with me,
she went dozing on and off some more!

so, after the consultation.
i found out my very old & nice wisdom tooth turned out NAUGHTY!
it affected my gum, causing it to swell and the ulcer appeared...
so i have to PLUCK IT OUT!
the process was painful, one jab was not enough!
i got 3 injections to make me feel nothing!
yes, 3 injections for one tooth. how strong was that? -.-

the jabs were painful of course, after that nothing else matters but
just the pressure that's going towards.

HERE IT IS! i know its kinda disgusting but i even sterilized it once i got home!!
so lunch was difficult... use the left side to munch. its TOUGH!

it gets a lil better with the help of painkillers~
bad thing is that i can't rely much on them... :(
12 hours for one only.

few hours ago; dinner's simple - porridge,
waited for it to cool first before having it.

currently having: ribena⋱

PS: no calls tonight?

Saturday, August 13, 2011 Y 11:46 PM
*thank you for your love*

Dear Diary,

here it is, FreshKon's new series - Blooming Pink
the other one is Glittering Blue...

i shall post that the next time since
i always get blue eyes on me ^-^

TA-DAH! what do you think?
my manager said it suits me some more ;3 hahaa.
it not super bright or neon pink and
the person who recommended me told me
because i've fair skin tone therefore it might work out well and better,
so i guess its kinda true. i'm not a person that's into pink
but now i can say that this shade of nude pink
is just the right one for me ;)

currently having: fruits⋱

PS: it has to be you...

Thursday, August 04, 2011 Y 10:52 PM
*thank you for your love*

Dear Diary,

being in ngee ann city for a month is super busy
but sales is definitely higher! ^^
so yes; i've a very fruitful month last month.
with all the fun and all,
live in front of my eyes on the 15th of july! :3
there are more though!


soohyun and kevin!!!


i can't update all... lol
so let this month - a new month
AUGUST be a great one! ^^

kinda miss raffles hotel' ambience! manager said she will put me there alternately
due to the fairness and all... :] seriously, commission is not my first worry.
i mean i still get my normal pay, commission is just something extra.
like a bonus? yeah... so it doesn't matter much. however it does make my day better!
pros and cons everywhere!

have been sick these few days... yes FLU! HEADACHE! :(
they just popped out from nowhere and
my colleague even saw me sneezing for the past few days!
just had accounts paper, next week's economics and i've not read!!
working the next 4 days! oh no? :( urghh.
bless me well! bless me well!

currently having: dumplings and cereal⋱

PS: think i'm going mad crazy

Friday, June 17, 2011 Y 3:43 PM
*thank you for your love*

Dear Diary,

this week's sales target for me is not good at all \:

please don't pull down my beautiful achievement
that i've obtained last week...

got my PC back yesterday, yup everything's gone cause it needs to reformat.

spend afew hours getting some stuffs back only.

those that were not in my hard-rive.

so i slept for less than 6 hours last night...
yup, working in progress.

wondered what i should eat for lunch now...

currently having: nothing⋱

PS: would it turn the pain into self-satisfaction

- V I V I A N N E [♥]

•°¤*(¯`° 陈靖文°´¯)*¤°•
Yasushi Fumi

^^ :3



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